

Constructo是一个响应式html主题,它是一个为所有这些公司. 适用于建筑屋面材料和房屋屋面 .这是顶级组织公司. Constructo可以做支持所有移动...
Sales: 26
Support: 5/5


这些模板是必不可少的工具. They provide an easy and cost-effective way to create a website without needing a professional 网页设计er. 有很容易定制,可以用来在几分钟内创建一个网站. 它们还使您能够快速轻松地进行更改, 这样你就可以保持你的资源与最新的新闻和报价同步. You can build professional pages with light HTML templates and make a great impression on potential customers.


Now, we will explore the features of these themes that can help give your website a streamlined and modern look. 让我们来谈谈充分利用它的好处.

这部分目录中的产品执行各种功能. These 响应 assets offer a range of characteristics that make them ideal for creating pages:

  1. Blog.
  2. 引导.
  3. 作品集和简历.
  4. 下拉菜单.
  5. Gallery.
  6. 延迟加载 effect.
  7. MegaMenu.
  8. 多用途.
  9. Parallax.
  10. 性能优化.
  11. 视网膜上准备好了.
  12. 搜索引擎友好.
  13. 团队成员.
  14. 完全JS.
  15. 背景视频.


您可以将它们用于您的在线商店、娱乐平台或网站. With detailed instructions, any beginner can manage the installation and adjustment.

这些主题有利于专业开发人员, 允许他们为客户提供方便和功能的页面.


  • web开发人员;
  • 营销人员;
  • 博客;
  • 自由平面网页设计师;
  • 博客在线投资组合创作者;
  • 手机社交应用媒体开发者;
  • 视频生产者;

该目录为不同领域提供了多个选项. You can find solutions for all possible fields, from cryptocurrency to management companies.


  • 多用途商务、公司、代理;
  • 装修和屋顶;
  • 户外爱好打猎、钓鱼;
  • 资金募集、众筹平台;
  • 穆斯林清真寺;
  • 建筑和工具车间;
  • 婚礼机构;
  • 室内及家具制造;
  • 房地产中介;
  • 清洁;
  • 政府机构;
  • betting;
  • 工厂和工业;
  • 中专、学院、大学及网络课程教育;
  • 医院、诊断、诊所、卫生和医学实验室;
  • 物流搬家公司;
  • 汽车修理;
  • 旅游及旅行社.

You can adapt the existing dashboard to your personal needs and set up the display of necessary parameters.



  1. Separate your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into files and link them correctly.
  2. Use external style sheets whenever possible to make global changes with a single update.
  3. 使用类、id和属性来组织和设计HTML代码.
  4. Follow standard naming conventions by using lowercase letters and hyphens when naming classes.
  5. Keep your code simple by using HTML elements and attributes that are supported by all browsers.
  6. 避免过多的嵌套并限制父元素的数量.
  7. Improve accessibility and search engine optimization by using descriptive titles for pages and images.
  8. 使用注释来记录代码部分,使其更易于阅读.
  9. Ensure that all links are valid and that URLs are using the correct protocol.


这些主题对于电子商务网站来说很方便. If you still need to decide on your resource design, take a look at the best assets you can use. This video about real estate will show you which buttons you need to press to build a practical resource.



This pre-designed web page template built using HTML code allows users to create a custom website without writing any code themselves.


The main advantage of a light HTML template is that it allows you to quickly build a website without needing to learn and write code from scratch. It also provides a starting point for developing more advanced websites and web applications.


To use a light HTML template, first, download the file and extract the contents to a folder. 然后,在文本编辑器中打开主题并进行必要的更改.


选择HTML模板时, 考虑主题与网页浏览器的兼容性等因素, 跨设备的响应性, 设计美学. 另外, 确保模板符合你的最终目标, 因为定制过于通用的模板可能很困难.